….a global leader in providing HSEQ and Marine Consultancy….


Who We Are?

Since 1998, Chua Nigeria Limited has performed hundreds of marine consulting services for different clients across five primary markets. With several years of experience and expertise, Chua Nigeria Limited understands how to best focus personnel and capabilities within specific market disciplines to provide the best service possible to our clients




“A Global Leader In Providing HSEQ and Marine Consultancy. Raising the bar in service delivery , as we contribute in protecting the Marine Environment from pollution”

At Chua Nigeria Limited, our core values define who we are and what we do and how we do them. Our core values are integrity, excellence, quality of service, respect, commitment and health safety and environmental equality.

WHAT WE DO - specialists in diverse maritime services -

Our operations professionals understand every facet necessary to execute a marine environment project safely, effectively and efficiently. Since 1988, our operations and consultants have worked together as a team on numerous multidisciplinary projects that have either met or exceeded client expectations. Chua Nigeria Limited operations team recognizes that marine environment projects are complex and strives to implement best practices while maintaining a clear understanding of the project objectives. 

An Environmental Compliance Monitoring (ECM) program is undertaken for a project to ensure that all applicable regulations, conditions of approval, and company specifications are met during Project implementation. Most of the monitoring activities and mitigative measures to be employed for both the construction and operation of the various Project components will be guided by the regulatory/policy regimes of the Clients and Federal government requirements and the Project Conditions of Approval.

Chua Nigeria Limited supports international, federal, state, and local government agencies in Nigeria, to provide marine environmental consulting expertise. We specialize in multidisciplinary projects involving the assessment of potential environmental impacts in coastal and marine ecosystems. With a multidisciplinary team of experts, Chua Nigeria Limited has the resources necessary to provide clients with, innovative solutions to a full range of environmental issues.

Advising clients on strategic marine environmental compliance and providing expert regulatory guidance on State and Federal Marine Environmental Regulations.

  1. Provide marine environment compliance support
  2. Assist regulatory group on projects from inception to client deliverables
  3. Assist clients in navigating the regulatory permitting process with states and federal agencies on projects ranging from marine operations, ports and jetties pipelines, oil and gas facilities, and manage permitting projects.

Chua Nigeria Limited offer services to inspect vessels for several different purposes such as:

  • Pre-purchase ship condition inspection
  • Pre-chartering ship inspection
  • Pre-docking ship inspection
  • Vessel general inspection
  • On hire – off hire surveys
  • Hull and Machinery damage inspections
  • ISM/ISPS/ISO 9001/ISO 14001 – Internal audits
  • MLC Internal inspections


“Having independent, expert marine knowledge on site enables the delivery of practical, cost effective solutions to meet the client’s individual needs, so that each element of the project is completed smoothly and to a consistently high standard. This enables the client to reduce overall operation costs by maximizing productivity throughout the project, whilst maintaining safe practice and compliance with all relevant policies, procedures and industry best practice.”

Industry Sector

  • Chua Nigeria Limited provides marine environmental consulting services associated with the sustainable exploration, production, and research of oil and gas Most of Chua Nigeria Limited oil and gas projects involve identifying and minimizing potential environmental impacts 


  • Ports and Jetties encompass a significant segment of the marine coastal environment. Chua Nigeria Limited provides marine consulting and mitigation services associated with Ports, Jetties and channel dredging, and disposal areas


  • Working with governments and agencies from States to Federal level, Chua Nigeria Limited provides services that promote and streamline the regulatory process to support marine and coastal projects across the country.


  • Through project management, logistics and scientific expertise, Chua Nigeria Limited has been an integral partner in supporting a variety of infrastructure projects such as submarine cable systems, submarine pipelines, coastal development


  • Our marine operations team is a diverse group of technical personnel with extensive operational and environmental expertise stemming from years of experience supporting multidisciplinary environmental programs and marine projects.  


  •  Chua Nigeria Limited provides a complete O&M package for the continued performance of marine and offshore installations, designed to increase their lifetime and ensure maximum return on investment. We are committed to delivering an excellent service that never compromises health and safety and ensures best environmental practice.

+234 (080) 9234 5636
+234 (080) 2313 6630
23 Adekunle Fajuyi Street, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos - State